quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

A trip to Lagamar

We went to Cardoso Island, in a school trip.It's about 3 to 4 hours by bus .We had to take "Rodovia Régis Bittencourt".
We did the first stop in Iguape, there we saw Morro do Espia, museums, churches, S.O.S Mata Atlantica, etc...
The weather was hot and sunny.
At the end of the day we took the bus and went to Cananéia.We went straight to Golfinho Plaza Hotel ,the room isn't much big, because it isn't a rich city.
On the second day we went to Cardoso Island, we saw the Atlantic Rainforest and the mangrovee, rocky shores, beaches and etc...
The weather was hot and it was a sunny day.
On the thrird day we went for a walk on the Atlantic rainforest, ... The weather was the same. After lunch we took the bus and went back to São Paulo.
If you go on this trip ,we suggest you to take:
-Shampoo & -two snickers
Tips: wear old clothes in the mangrove and use a lot of insect repellent.

Alunas: Marina Saadia e Luciana Alvares
Professoras: Glaé Furlanetto e Kathia Coutinho

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